
Saturday, December 31, 2011

And a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Winter Holiday Wall Decor -

Want a somewhat simple, inexpensive way to spice up your walls for the holidays? 

It's really quite fun...

Step 1: Target one spot that needs the most help. I look for areas where a piece of art is already hanging and could easily be removed, so that I do not have to put more holes in my wall. 

Step 2: Grab a canvas (or two..or three...) and paint! Instead of Christmas, you may want your theme to be something wintery, so that you can display it longer. 

Step 3: Do a little bit of this....

and a little bit of that....

Step 4: Hang your fun creation and enjoy! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Treats -

Elf Mix
This is a new favorite of mine.
Why wouldn't it be with such a cute name?

WARNING: It is quite addictive and way too easy to much on.
But, it is so easy to make; I just had to share it with you.
You are welcome.

What you'll need:

3 cups of Rice Chex
3 cups of Corn Chex
3 cups of Cheerios
2 cups of peanuts
2 cups of pretzels
1 (12 oz) bag of white chocolate chips
1 bag of peanut M&M's
1 bag of plain M&M's

First, combine the cereals, peanuts, pretzels, and M&M's in a large bowl (I have to use two large bowls to really be able to stir the mixture without making a mess.)

Next, melt your chocolate chips the way the package reccommends (Warning: If you overheat, it begins to harden. I usually do 30 second intervals with stirring inbetween).

Finally, pour the melted chocolate over dry mixture and stir until evenly dispersed. You'll probably want to let it harden for about 15 minutes.

Enjoy little elves!
xo, Caroline

Monday, December 12, 2011

Deck the Halls

Deck the halls?
Other than the Christmas song, I've only heard the word "deck" used as a verb when you physically wipe someone out.
 I've never decked anyone, but I plan on doing it before I die.

Apparantly, to "deck" is also to decorate.
A BIG thanks to context clues for helping me figure this one out.
A somewhat smaller thanks to Webster for confirming my suspicions.
But really, have you ever heard anyone use that word in that context any other time of year?

Well people, I did some decking.

Come on in...take a peek....

Happy Decking everyone!

xo, Caroline

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Charlie Brown Christmas -

For some reason, I am a sucker for the tiniest of Christmas trees. When I spot the runt of the group while strolling through the Christmas tree lot, it's game over. Even if I try to ignore the poor thing, I feel like it's begging me to pick it, take it home, and clothe it in bling. 

This year was no different. 

The Hubby and I had walked through the entire lot, during which I had spotted the runt of the group. I kept walking, though (small victory). We decided on a decent size tree and were waiting for the guys to come bind it for us (bigger victory).

And then it happens...

I slowly look back over my shoulder at the runt. 
My heart strings start tugging (and in my head, violins start playing).
Oh goodness, I can feel its pull on me.
I try to resist....oh gosh it's so hard....
It's so cute and lonely....
Suddenly, it has a face....a sad face...
No one is going to want it .....
It will be the last tree on the lot if I don't take it...

Then, the Hubby puts me and the tree out of our misery.

Ok, ok. I may have exaggerated a bit, but it really was the smallest on the lot. 

I'm just thankful that there is a runt to love in every group. Jesus Christ loved the "runts."

xo, Caroline

Friday, December 2, 2011

Real Bling

I am a typical girl.
I love jewelry and the pizzazz that it adds to the simplest outfit. 
It may be silly, but sometimes I am drawn to certain people
because of their jewelry, as if it's revealing their personality
and that they may be a kindred spirit.  

What I love even more than a beautiful piece, is one that has
meaning, significance, maybe even a story behind it. 
For me, this special piece of jewelry is from the Hubby.


For our first anniversary, he gave me this dainty necklace.
I couldn't love this simple treasure more,
because he picked it out for me. 
I plan on rockin' this bling when I'm a granny.

Another favorite is my scripture necklace.
Talk about a conversaton starter.
People usually ask what it stands for, thinking it's my
first initial paired with some numbers of significance.
So, I tell them the story behind it,
the story of God's rich mercy towards me.

 I explain Ephesians 2:4-5.

If given the chance, I explain the verses before 4&5 too;
it makes them that much more beautiful.

On the days when no one asks, it is a constant reminder to me
about my Savior's great mercy and love towards me.
He rescued me out of the depths of my own depravity.
Now, that's real bling.